Friday, August 31, 2018

Cause for Concern?

This morning, another librarian and I were discussing a current "chapter" book to decide if we thought it was appropriate for our elementary school libraries. The mature content did not match its low reading level. She said over the past few years, she had noticed a trend of higher content but lower reading levels. She asked me what did I think that was saying about our society. 

I have been thinking about this all afternoon. What does it say? Is there cause for concern? Are our children maturing sooner or reading later? Are publishers deeming books appropriate for a certain age before they are ready or should be ready? 

As a librarian, this does have implications. Librarians have several methods to critique each book. I use them. However, after our discussion today, I am determined to research even more. I will be even more diligent to make certain the books I have in my library are the best, most appropriate literature available for the children I serve. More than ever before, awards and accolades cannot be the lone deciding factors. I cannot solely trust a catalog blurb and the assignment of a reading level to make my choices. I never did. 

I am not a censor. I love the written word! I love books! I love the freedom of thought and mind that flows between those bound pages. It's why I became a librarian. I will send that book to a higher-level library where it can be appreciated. For here, I will enrich with another. 

Image result for bookshelf

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